
More than 300 people participate in ThankUDay 2024 at UIC Barcelona

During the celebration of ThankUDay, this celebrated within the 1st edition of Research Fest, three awards were given to Banco Santander, Klockner and the Roviralta Foundation for their continued collaboration with the University 

Over 300 people participated in UIC Barcelona's ThankUDay 2024, an annual thanksgiving event organised to strengthen the commitment of the people, companies and organisations whose contributions make each day possible at the University. The attendees of the event, held in the Aula Magna of the Barcelona Campus, were also able to enjoy the activities of Research Fest, a day where researchers and professionals were able to share ideas on the present and future role of research and its social impact.

This year, the companies and institutions distinguished for having  collaborated with UIC Barcelona for 10 years in the three categories, were Banco Santander, for promoting talent; Klockner, for promoting research; and the Roviralta Foundation, for ensuring that people are cared for.

On behalf of Banco Santander, Mr Xavier Cañadó Fernández, Director of Institutions in Catalonia received the award; on behalf of Klockner, Mr Xavier Domènech, Commercial Director and Ms Jessica Alves, Director of University Relations; and finally, on behalf of the Roviralta Foundation, Mr Tomás Testor Schnell, Vice President and Secretary General.

Empreses que, durant el ThankUDay, han rebut el reconeixement per la seva col·laboració

Mr Francesc Homs, President of the University Advisory Board, welcomed the attendees to the event, thanking all the companies and people who collaborate with UIC Barcelona: “ThankUDay is a day to thank those companies and organisations that have allowed us to currently establish over 4,000 agreements, allowing us to connect the University with society, promoting talent, research and caring for people.” The event was also attended by Albert Vilumana, corporate director of America’s Cup Events, who introduced the Louis Vuitton 37th America’s Cup that will begin on 22 August in Barcelona.

The awards were presented by Mr Francesc Homs, accompanied by the President of the Board of Trustees, Mr Miguel Ángel Cazcarra, and the Rector, Dr Alfonso Méndiz, who closed the event: “From UIC Barcelona we thank our collaborators, institutions and companies, all essential to closing the virtuous circle of research and transfer on a historic day at our University”

ThankUDay, which celebrated its 5th edition, was promoted by the Corporate Development Department of UIC Barcelona, which promotes, channels and coordinates different collaborations with the University. In the words of its director, Juan Pablo Garrido, "gratitude is intrinsic to our University. We sincerely appreciate the generous collaboration of countless individuals, companies and institutions, whose contribution makes our impact on society possible. Thank you for making it possible!"