
More than 500 professionals take part in the 11th Updates in Dentistry Conference

The conference, organised by the Faculty of Dentistry, included talks, clinical cases and workshops allowing dentists, prosthetics technicians, hygienists and dental assistants to update their knowledge with the help of experts in the field.

On 6 October, the Sant Cugat campus hosted the 11th Updates in Dentistry Conference, bringing together more than 500 professionals. In the morning sessions, lecturers from the Faculty of Dentistry gave twenty-four talks on major specialisms, including: surgery, endodontics, periodontics, orthodontics, preventive dentistry, restorative dentistry, paediatric dentistry, comprehensive clinical care and research. The attendees got first-hand experience of the most innovative techniques and the latest developments in each area. 
“As teachers, our main aim is to provide our students with all-round training and to teach them the most cutting-edge methods and techniques. As professionals, we also have to be committed to keeping our knowledge constantly up-to-date. This annual event, aimed mainly at our alumni and also open to everyone from the sector, allows us to combine both things and create a unique space allowing for knowledge transfer amongst professional colleagues”, said Dr Lluís Giner, dean of the Faculty of Dentistry. 
As part of the conference, eight workshops as well as presentations on clinical cases and the latest developments in the field were held for hygienists and dental assistants. At the 11th Updates in Dentistry Conference, the organisers also awarded the Dr Miquel Tallada prize for the best final Master’s degree project from the 2017-2018 academic year. On this occasion, the award was given to Pilar Golmayo, alumna of the Master’s Degree in Periodontology with her study on “Keratinized tissue gain after free gingival graft augmentation procedures around teeth and dental implants. A prospective observational comparative study”.