
More than 90 alumni from the Master’s Programme in Orthodontics reunite at the Sant Cugat Campus

The event, led by Dr Andreu Puigdollers, director of the master’s degree and head of the Orthodontics area of the Faculty of Dentistry, brought together alumni from the 22 graduating classes of the master’s programme

Dr Puigdollers was in charge of inaugurating the conference, which took place on 26 April at the Sant Cugat Campus. The event was attended by the dean of the Faculty, Lluís Giner, who joined by video call to dedicate some warm words to the alumni who met again on the Campus, as well as the institutional vice-dean, Sandra Fernández, who thanked the alumni for attending such a special event. 

During the day, some of the attendees presented different clinical cases to compete for the Dr Patricia Genestra prize for the best case of all graduating classes of the Master’s Programme in Orthodontics. The winner was Maria Orquin, alumni of the fifth graduating class, with her project entitled ‘Orthodontic-surgical treatment of a class III: all that glitters is not gold.’ The winner explained that ‘this award is a recognition of the way to treat patients and the way to communicate to colleagues the passion for the orthodontic specialisation.’ 

The Dr Patricia Genestra prize is an award named after a former lecturer of the master’s programme and rewards the best clinical case presentation among all the candidates of the of the different graduating classes. ‘It’s exciting that the award is named after a teacher for whom I have immense affection, given that she shared her knowledge of orthodontics in a generous, enthusiastic and very approachable way,’ Orquin explains. 

The alumni reunion continued the following day with a visit to the National Art Museum of Catalonia and subsequent lunch with the entire group, which was attended by current students of the master’s programme, as well as lecturers. 

Initiatives such as this are a great opportunity to reconnect with teachers, colleagues and former students, and to recall the shared roots of their training as professionals. These are days to share important University values such as effort, personal contact and excellent research.

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