
Music, prizes and performances at the end of year party

Barcelona Campus's Passeig de la Fontana was yesterday filled with music, prizes and a festive atmosphere during the party organised by UIC Barcelona's office of the vice-rector to celebrate the end of the academic year.

The party began with a concert by the Gospel Group, who sung a repertoire they had being working on throughout the year. Next was the prize ceremony presided over by the vice-rector Dr Belén Zárate. Sports medals, cups and trophies from different championships and the rector's tournament held during the year were awarded.

#mésqueuniversitat awards were also handed out in recognition of students who had participated the most in sporting, cultural and solidarity activities. The following students were awarded:

- Sports:

  • Best university sports person: Ugo Aitsahalia, second-year physiotherapy
  • Most participative: Alex Casanova, third-year business administration and management
  • Sports and study: Paloma de Pouplana, second-year advertising and public relations student

- The cultural award went to Eduardo Prats, second-year advertising and public relations.

- The solidarity award went to Enrique Rosas, fourth-year medicine.

The Cáritas honorary distinction was also awarded for bachelor's and master's final degree projects of a social nature. Fernando Porta, manager of Universidades con Corazón, handed out the distinctions. The following students were awarded:

- Jorge Lindoso, Aleix Domenech and Adrián Pérez of the Faculty of Communication Sciences for their final degree project "Switzer s: La voz de las deportistas".

- Javier Quinoa, UIC Barcelona School of Architecture student for his final degree project "European policies impact on the route of migrants and refugees".

The party finished up with five acts performed by UIC Barcelona students: Eduardo Prats, second-year advertising and public relations; Ariadna Peinado, fourth-year audiovisual communication and Juan Gaitán, first-year architecture; Marc Crosas, fourth-year humanities; Sandra Ledesma, second-year dentistry, accompanied by Marco Rossi, fifth-year dentistry; and Adrián Rodríguez, first-year audiovisual communication.