
Music, theatre, prizes and celebration at the End of Year Party

Passeig de la Fontana was filled with music, prizes, and a festive atmosphere during the End of Year Party organised by the Vice-Rectorate for the University Community to celebrate the end of the academic year in early June. 

The party began the Barcelona Experience play which was shown in the Aula Jardí room, which the theatre group premiered last Sant Jordi’s Day.  The play involved a tour around Barcelona given by an Argentinian-Madrilenian family from Arganzuela, a pair of love-birds from Oviedo and a Russian Instagrammer.  This is because they are all the protagonists of “Barcelona Experience”, a television programme that offers them the opportunity to enjoy an exclusive, exciting and unforgettable experience in the most emblematic areas around the city.

The audience then moved to Passeig de la Fontana where the various prizes for competitions were given out for the competitions and championships that have been held throughout the year.

The party ended with performances from five groups, all of them containing UIC Barcelona students.  Four of these were musical: Alfons Ruata, Eduardo del Campo and Leandro Álvarez, a 3rd year Audiovisual Communication student (who performed again later); Alfred Garcia, a first year Audiovisual Communication student; and Marcos Puig, Oriol Anglada, Carlos Raiteri and Ramón Pedret from Arquitectura. There was also a magic show given by Pau Borrell, a second year Humanities and Primary Education student.

The show was overseen by Santi Jou, from the Information and Admissions Service and by Elena Santa María, Head of the Teaching Evaluation and Innovation Office, who were in charge of the event.