
Neus Calpe and Anna Suñol, UIC Barcelona alumni, honoured at the Vila-Saborit Foundation Nursing Research Awards

The aim of these awards, created in 2016 by the Vila-Saborit Foundation, the Sagrat Cor University Hospital and UIC Barcelona, is to recognise, support and disseminate research in the field of Nursing.

On 17 November, coinciding with the feast day of Saint Elizabeth of Hungary, the patron saint of Nursing, the Sagrat Cor University Hospital hosted the second edition of the Vila-Saborit Foundation Nursing Research Awards. The event featured the presentation of the three Final Master’s Degree Projects chosen from the 17 assessed by a panel of experts from both the academic and clinical arenas. This time, two of the awards went to projects by UIC Barcelona alumni, Anna Suñol and Neus Calpe, both of who took part in the University’s Master’s Degree in Clinical Research.

The first-place award went to Anna Suñol for “Incertidumbre frente a la enfermedad: depresión y calidad de vida en personas con esclerosis múltiple” [Uncertainty in illness: depression and quality of life in people with multiple sclerosis]. Elena González took home the first runner-up award for her work “Eficacia de una app de actividad física y alimentación como soporte al control prenatal en gestantes con obesidad” [Effectiveness of a diet and physical activity app as a support for prenatal care in obese pregnant women]. And lastly, the second runner-up award went to Neus Calpe for her study “Eficàcia de la subjecció de la sonda vesical en la disminució d'infeccions urinàries en el pacient crític” [Effect of urinary catheter stabilisation on the reduction of urinary tract infections among critical patients].