
The new acquisition will enable students to gain clinical experience with the most cutting-edge technology

The new acquisition will enable students to gain clinical experience with the most cutting-edge technology


As of the 2019-2020 academic year, students in the Faculty of Dentistry will be able to further their clinical experience with a virtual reality simulator. Equipped with the latest technology, the device may be used to safely practise operative, endodontic and prosthodontic techniques. The students will therefore have the opportunity to perform exercises aimed at developing their handpiece handling skills before working on typodonts.

“For us, teaching our students with the most up-to-date materials and technologies is a priority. That’s why we are very proud to improve our laboratories’ facilities with this new simulator”, explains Dr Lluis Giner, dean of the Faculty of Dentistry. “Virtual reality systems help develop cognitive and motor skills progressively, in a completely safe environment. Thanks to this new simulator, our students will be able to do everything from performing simple exercises to exploring real cases virtually prior to treating the patient”.