
A new edition of the Academic Excellence Programme is launched

On Thursday 21 September, a new edition of the Academic Excellence Programme was launched. It has been organised over the last few academic years by the Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences for students with the best academic records.  The aim is to bring the field of business closer to universities. 

The Programme is undertaken each academic year in two modules distributed over the two semesters. Each module involves five sessions which are dedicated to different areas of business management, in which invited executives participate. The activity ends each semester with a consulting competition, for which students need to set up a “consultancy group” and provide a response to specific business challenges.

The new elements this year included the fact there was participation from twelve students with the best academic records from other degree programmes (Law, Communication, Journalism and Architecture) a redesigned Consulting Competition, and the opportunity some of the teams had to participate in the Global Management Challenge, competing with universities from 30 different countries.