
New edition of the CEIM Awards at the ESARQ - School of Architecture at UIC Barcelona

Yesterday, 20 July, the UIC Barcelona Chair in Industrial Construction and the Environment (CEIM) presented a series of awards during the event held to inaugurate the exhibition of Final Degree Projects by students from the ESARQ - UIC Barcelona School of Architecture entitled “Full Contact. Barcelona - Llobregat City”.

This year, awards went to the project “Infrastructure System and Reorganization of Horticulture”, by Marc Gómez-Puente García, and “Urban-Agricultural Park”, by Carlota Aluja Olesti.

The ESARQ - School of Architecture is a pioneer in making sustainability a mandatory and cross-disciplinary subject within the curriculum. With the CEIM Chair, which is supported by Pich Architects and sponsored by Rockwool, the School aims to respond to market demands and cooperate on R&D projects both scientifically and technologically. It has three clear areas for action: education, the generation of knowledge and the transfer of technology and knowledge. The purpose of the CEIM is to establish means of joint collaboration and development between UIC Barcelona and building-sector companies and entities with a view to achieving substantial results in the area of sustainability and environmental friendliness.