
New online course: “Human Settlements in Emergency Situations”, in association with the Red Cross

UIC Barcelona School of Architecture and the International Federation Red Cross and Red Crescent Society (IFRC) will jointly teach a new online course in Spanish entitled “Human Settlements in Emergency Situations”. This new course has been made possible due to the signature of a cooperation agreement between the two organisations: signing this agreement has converted UIC Barcelona into an IFRC-partner university.

The “Human Settlements in Emergency Situations” course is aimed at professionals from the sector who are interested in working in emergency humanitarian aid and post-conflict organisations as an independent course. The course combines theoretical and practical learning to provide participants with the necessary skills to lead and coordinate refuges on the ground within the context of natural disasters, as well as offer a suitable humanitarian response to emergency settlements.

The first edition will be taught from 29 June to 25 July 2016 by professors from the UIC Barcelona Master of International Cooperation in Sustainable Emergency Architecture as well as experts with extensive professional experience. This course has been taught for eight editions in English on-site at UIC Barcelona. Making this course available online and in Spanish will open UIC Barcelona’s doors to the entire Spanish-speaking area of Latin America, where emergency situations due to natural disasters such as earthquakes or hurricanes are not uncommon.

For more information and to apply for admission click here.