
New Sitting of Official Catalan Examinations in UIC Barcelona

For the second year in a row, over a hundred students have taken the Catalan language courses offered by the Institute for Multilingualism.

On Saturday 8 June the second annual sitting of official examinations to accredit knowledge of the Catalan language was organised by UIC Barcelona jointly with the Catalan Interuniversity Commission for Language Training and Certification (CIFALC). These examinations are prepared by several working teams at Catalan universities, and lead to official accreditation recognised by the Directorate General of Linguistic Policy of Catalonia. In this edition around fifteen candidates took the official examinations for levels A2, B1, C1 and C1-PDI; in particular, several PAS (administration staff) and PDI (teaching staff) took the examination to obtain C1 level accreditation.

In total, during the 2018-2019 academic year over a hundred members of the university community have taken some Catalan language course, whether basic courses for newcomers or courses leading to the various official accreditations. It is expected that following approval of the UIC Barcelona 2019-2023 Language Plan this number will continue to increase over the years to come.