
A new year of Pre-Primary Education teachers graduate

The Aula Magna at UIC Barcelona hosted the Pre-Primary Education teacher training graduation ceremony on 16 June.  Rosario Fernández, Emeritus Professor at the University of Zaragoza and co-author of Las ciencias de la naturaleza en la Educación Infantil [Natural Sciences in Pre-Primary Education] was this year’s patron.

Before the speech from this year's patron, Mónica Fernández, Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Education, talked to the students and referred to their new profession as a real adventure, “unknown territory” -she said- like in the work of Lyman Frank Baum, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz (1900):  “our search as teachers is a real one, not like Dorothy, in her case it was all a dream.  It is so real that from now on it will be you who will walk down the yellow brick road”.  It is a path which means “you will have to test that brain, courage and heart that all of us have wanted to help you achieve over the last four years”.  Now it is these new graduates who will have to help their own students achieve the same qualities.

Then this year's patron, Dr Rosario Fernández, gave a lecture on cooperation and how it has been present in nature from its very beginnings.  Cooperation is “helping each other”, said  Fernández.  For that reason, it is necessary to “connect with others, and that requires skill”.

After the patron, Beatriz Fernández and Arnau Huesca addressed the students as former students of our university.  Arnau reminded the students that “responsibility in this profession is very high”, while his companion Beatriz said that they had all chosen a profession “which involves a great responsibility, but it is also the profession that will make us happiest”.

At the end, before singing the traditional Gaudeamus Igitur, the Dean of the Faculty of Education, Asunción Verdera, closed the event by thanking the teaching staff, family members, non-teaching staff in the university and students. She asked the students to make sure they never lose their enthusiasm.