
Numerous students take part in the Blood Donation Campaign

For yet another year, the UIC Barcelona university community demonstrated solidarity by participating in the Blood Donation Campaign organised on behalf of the Blood and Tissue Bank of Catalonia.

On 16 and 17 October, the entrance hall of the Sant Cugat Health Campus and the Aula Jardí on the Barcelona Campus welcomed a number of university students, lecturers and staff members who wanted to do their part in contributing to the Blood Donation Campaign.

Close to one hundred members of the university community converged on the donation stations set up on the two campuses. All of them did so driven by values such as solidarity, social responsibility and generosity, which are an integral part of our identity.

As several of the donors explained: “I wanted to donate blood because I think it’s necessary. There’s always a need, and if my blood can help someone, for me it’s no trouble at all. All it takes is five minutes, and it’s something that can help someone. All it took was a little jab” (Àlex Cruz, 4th-year Nursing student). “I donate every time there’s a Blood Donation Campaign at the University, because I think donating is very important. Lots of people need blood, whether it’s due to illness or for use in research” (Gloria Estefanell, 3rd-year Audiovisual Communication student).

UIC Barcelona has cooperated with the Blood and Tissue Bank of Catalonia since 2009 and provides the students, teaching staff and administration staff at the University the opportunity to give blood once a semester.