
Nuria Hernández presents her research in San Sebastián at an International Symposium on Multilingualism

One of our Lecturers from the Faculty of Education, Nuria Hernández, participated in the Donostia Young Researchers International Symposium on Multilingualism (DISM16), on 3 and 4th March this year. It is an international symposium on multilingualism organised by the University of the Basque Country and the DREAM (Donostia Research Group on Education and Multilingualism) research group.

The symposium was organised as part of the activities organised by the International Association of Multilingualism, IAM - which is presided over by Full Professor Jasone Cenoz, Hernández’s thesis supervisor-, and the AILA research network on Multilingualism. The event brought together new researchers and authoritative voices on the material, such as Jean Marc Dewaele, Pilar Safont and Danuta Grabrys-Barker.

Nuria Hernández presented her project entitled “Multilingual student teachers perceptions towards their L3: identity, beliefs, and attitudes", which constitutes the first stage of the research she is undertaking for her doctoral thesis.

As the Education Lecturer explained, in her project she analyses the origin and impact that perceptions and beliefs have on the use, teaching and learning of the languages of plurilingual trainee English teachers, and how these beliefs can have an impact on the development of their teaching identity. “Often the teaching patterns that these teachers acquire are not in line with the education they receive during their university studies”, concludes Hernández.