
Nuria Matilla investigates the social consequences of precarious employment in Stockholm

The lecturer from the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences took part in the PREMIS project, the SWEJEM project and the Cursor-Kiros project

Nuria Matilla, a researcher in UIC Barcelona’s Health Determinants and Health Policies Assessment Group, recently completed a research stay in the Unit of Occupational Medicine at the Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm. During her two-month stay, Dr Matilla took part in three projects: the PREMIS project, the SWEJEM project and the Cursor-Kiros project.

The researcher was most involved in the PREMIS (Precarious Employment in Stockholm) project, a study focused on Stockholm’s working population which was performed in 2016 and 2017. In fact, “this research led me to write a manuscript aimed at understanding the social consequences of precarious work, such as social isolation and material deprivation”, explains Dr Matilla.

The researcher also had the opportunity to take part in the SWEJEM (Swedish Job Exposure Matrices) project, a register-based analysis aimed at developing a matrix of physical, chemical and psychosocial job exposures across Sweden’s entire working population, and the Cursor-Kiros project, which seeks to measure the magnitude of under-reporting of occupational injuries in Swedish registers and its associated factors.