
The official degree programmes in the Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences obtain favourable accreditation from AQU

Both degree programmes successfully passed the accreditation process, which is essential in order to maintain their official status

The Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences is currently immersed in the accreditation process for the Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration and Management and the University Master’s Degree in Business Administration and Production Systems. This process is described in the Framework for the Verification, Monitoring, Modification and Accreditation of official degree programmes (MVSMA) established by the Catalan University Quality Assurance Agency (AQU).

On 23 January 2019 the FCES received a visit from an external evaluation committee, appointed by AQU Catalunya, with the aim of evaluating the development of the faculty’s degree programmes. 

The two degree programmes passed this accreditation process successfully. This is essential so they can maintain their official status. The external committee provided a group of strong points and good practices that show that the programmes work well. These are: The Grants for Academic Excellence, the Academic Excellence Programme, the B-Smart Project, the internationalisation of both students and teaching staff, the guidance and advice provided to students and the existence of carefully managed cooperation agreements with national and international companies to ensure the transfer of knowledge, work placements and graduate employment. 

The Faculty Board would like to thank all members of the university community who have worked with us throughout this process, especially those who directly took part in the visit.