
“Older parents, generations and family solidarity”, first report from a project undertaken by the IsFamily Santander Chair

This research project is based on a multilevel analysis of the dimensions that characterise intergenerational solidarity in Spain. 

It was inspired by the project “L’allungamento della vita. Una risorsa per la famiglia, un'opportunità per la società” (E. Scabini, G. Rossi 2016), set up by the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Milan (UCSC), an academic organisation with which UIC Barcelona holds an academic cooperation agreement. This project, similarly to the Italian project, took a relational perspective (Donati 2013). The target population for the interviews was a group of 600 people aged between 65 and 74 who had children who are still living.

The purpose of the IsFamily Santander Chair is to put forward the family as a model of intergenerational solidarity that is greatly efficient and flexible, capable of continuous adaptation to change that can provide support to individuals. The studies offered as part of the Chair’s activities — from a multidisciplinary and cross-disciplinary perspective —  consider the family to be the source of resources transferred between generations. These studies focus on the three fundamental aspects that are the cornerstones of the Chair: the economy, healthcare and caring for people, and education.