
One of our Nursing alumni members, Patricia Marín, won the Best Oral Paper award at the IV AEC International Conference

One of our UIC Barcelona Nursing alumni members, Patrícia Marín, on Thursday 7 October presented a paper entitled: Recomendaciones para que el material de soporte educativo sea eficaz con nuestros pacientes. Patricia told the audience that “This invitation from my Final Degree Project tutor was an opportunity for me to continue the literature review which I undertook as part of my project. Thanks to her proposal I was able to attend a conference and present my first paper at a conference”.  

The prize for Best Oral Paper at the IV AEC International Conference and the X National Conference of the Association of Community Nursing consists of 300 euros, free registration for the next AEC conference, and winner’s conference fee is covered for one year. Patricia added:  “I would also like to thank professors Maria Angeles de Juan and Maria Luisa Martín, from the Department of Nursing at UIC Barcelona, for their help to revise and prepare this paper.  For me, as a recent graduate, this was a new opportunity to continue to learn and also to continue to work with UIC Barcelona”.