
One of our professors and an alumni member from the Faculty of Education both recently participated in a Conference in Madrid

Jordi Puig, a Professor from the Faculty of Education and Sergi Maldonado, a former student, presented a joint paper at the International University Conference on Communication in today’s professions and universities:  Content, Research, Innovation and Teaching. The conference was organised by the Faculty of Communication Sciences in the Complutense University in Madrid

The paper, entitled “Una nueva visión del trabajo en equipo fundamentado en el liderazgo distribuido” [A new perspective on teamwork based on distributed leadership] under the category of “Nuevas formas docentes” [New teaching types]. In this paper, Puig and Maldonado established a new vision of the classroom, conceived of as a teaching space that depends on the concept of the team.  In their speech they assured attendees that "the development of future teacher trainers’ professional competences” can improve. The aim is for students to undertake their final degree projects and teaching work placements based on teamwork, reflexive pedagogy and distributed leadership.

This conference, held on 26 and 27 October, acted as a guide for a union between the professional and teaching worlds in order to create new lines of research and for the transmission of new types of communication and emerging social networks. Special attention was paid to teaching innovation.

Jordi Puig is a professor for the specialisation in Physical Education in the faculty. This specialisation aims to encourage teamwork by promoting reflection, physical activities and education for children.