
Opening of the Barcelona Ceramics exhibition at the Granada School of Architecture

The Granada School of Architecture recently opened the “Barcelona Ceramics” exhibition, which was a finalist for the I XIII BEAU Research Call on 6 April. This was part of a series of activities organised for the First “Architecture and Industry Innovating through Ceramics” Seminar.

The exhibition shows projects undertaken by students from the UIC Barcelona School of Architecture, and tutored by the professors from the ASCER Ceramics Chair, and was set up based on an initiative from the Spanish Association of Tile and Ceramic Pavement Manufacturers (ASCER). The exhibition contained a sample of 20 ceramic pieces based on which the Chair was commemorating its tenth anniversary. The travelling exhibition opened in the COAC centre in Barcelona and then travelled to the Valencia School of Architecture and then the Cevisama Fair in Valencia, among other locations.

This First Seminar on “Architecture and Industry. Innovating through Ceramics”, was organised jointly by the departments of Architectural Constructions and the Projects Area in the Granada school of Architecture and the UIC Barcelona School of Architecture ASCER Ceramics Chair. The activities included the inauguration of the Barcelona Ceramics exhibition and a series of conferences on 6 and 7 April. As part of this series Vicenç Sarrablo, an architect and the Director of the ASCER Ceramics Chair, and Juan Trias de Bes, an architect and professor from the UIC Barcelona School of Architecture, gave a talk entitled: “From technique to technology in ceramic materials”.

The aim of the seminar is to provide future architects with greater technical knowledge of ceramics, as well as discover the enormous possibilities that the creative work of architects can bring to this industry. The session aimed to invite students to steer their architectural proposals towards the use of ceramic materials, and be innovative in relation to already existing formats or develop new applications.

The “Barcelona Ceramics” exhibition was open until Friday 29 April 2016.