
Opening of the exhibition "Industrial Landscapes: A Visual Approach to Industry", with photographs by Aitor Estévez

On 7 June, the Museum of Science and Technology of Catalonia opened the exhibition "Industrial Landscapes: A Visual Approach to Industry".

On display is a documentary project by Aitor Estévez Olaizola, architect, photographer and lecturer in Formal Analysis at the UIC Barcelona School of Architecture, together with Pau Fornt Baldrich. The project explores eleven archetypal contemporary industrial landscapes from Catalonia and seeks to depict them from a photographic, documentary and architectural perspective. Here, photography is used to document locations that are often unknown to most people and promote dialogue between industry and society, art and technology.

The project also includes a book published in 2015 under the title 11 paisajes industriales en Cataluña [11 Industrial Landscapes in Catalonia], by the authors of the exhibition.