
Oriol Casasayas, recognised during the 3rd Professional Physiotherapy Conference at the Miguel Hernández University

The lecturer of Anatomy in the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences received the award for Best Presentation in his category

Oriol Casasayas, a lecturer of Anatomy, was named winner of the award for Best Presentation in the Professional Field at the 3rd Professional Physiotherapy Conference, organised by the Miguel Hernández University (UMH) in Alicante from 14-16 March.
Under the title “Uso de la contracción eléctrica para mejorar el estiramiento de los músculos isquiotibiales mediante estiramientos de facilitación neuromuscular propioceptivo (PNF): ensayo aleatorizado, simple ciego” [Use of electric contraction to improve hamstring flexibility through proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation (PNF) stretching: A random, single-blind study], Oriol Casasayas’ work addresses the effects of electrostimulation on hamstring flexibility. Among other findings, the author shows that “by performing proprioceptive neuromuscular facilitation stretching with an electrostimulator to contract the muscle, we are able to extend the movement and enhance hamstring flexibility further than with traditional stretching. The improvement also endures for a longer amount of time”. 
The presented work was completed in cooperation with Dr Pedro Álvarez, Dr Juan Carlos Martín, Dr Laura Pacheco and Dr Albert Pérez, lecturers in the Bachelor’s Degree in Physiotherapy, the Bachelor’s Degree in Medicine or the Department of Basic Sciences at UIC Barcelona.
The 3rd edition of the Professional Physiotherapy Conference was held as part of the Physiotherapy Conference at the UMH. The event brings together Physiotherapy students and teaching staff in efforts to promote the sharing of professional experiences and research findings and keep the content of this discipline up-to-date.