
Over one hundred secondary and upper-secondary school students take the B1-B2 exam at UIC Barcelona

On 10 May, 124 secondary and upper-secondary school students took part in the multilevel exam at UIC Barcelona, with a view to certifying a B1 or B2 level of English.

The exam was divided into four parts: reading, listening, writing and speaking. While the reading and listening sections included matching and fill-in-the-blank activities, during the written part, examinees were required to write two texts.

Altogether, the students had three hours and ten minutes to complete it. The written part of the exam was organised at UIC Barcelona for the purpose of giving the examinees their first glimpse at the university world. The second part of the exam, the speaking section, will be given between 13 and 24 May 2019 at the secondary schools.

Learning and certifying languages is essential for secondary and upper-secondary students; educational institutions and, subsequently, the job market require ways for young people to officially certify their knowledge of foreign languages.

This is the fourth year that the University has hosted this exam. The initiative is organised as part of the Sponsored Classroom in English Language Teaching, created by the Institute for Multilingualism and Richmond-Santillana.