
Pablo Gálvez presents a communication at the semFYC Congress

Pablo Gálvez, a member of the UIC Barcelona Albert J. Jovell Institute for Public Health and Patients, took part as a speaker at the 36th semFYC (Spanish Society of Family and Community Medicine) Congress, during the round table entitled Research Panel: Generating evidence aimed at patients’ needs. He was joined on the panel by Katherine Cowan, senior advisor at the James Lind Alliance, an institution founded by the National Institute for Health Research, and Agustín Gómez de la Cámara, lead researcher and head of the CIBERESP research group.

Gálvez gave a talk in which he expressed the need, in the current environment, to focus research upon patients’ requirements. He also explained the benefits of generating research questions based on patient and family needs by presenting three examples of creating joint strategies with patients and their families in respect of information, healthcare policies and needs analysis. He concluded by speaking about the difficulty of assessing the impact of these strategies and the challenges in the search for indicators capable of evaluating the effect of patient participation.