
Parliament and universities renew their commitment to work together to promote knowledge and democratic values

The rector of UIC Barcelona, Dr Xavier Gil, along with the other rectors from the twelve Catalan universities yesterday signed a cooperation agreement in Parliament in which they commit to continuing to work together to contribute to the progress of science, technology, humanities and arts, the dissemination of culture and the development of society.  

This agreement replaces the one signed in 2011 and 2014 which allowed students to participate in University Parliament Week (Spuni) during which they simulated the work of members of parliament and workers of the lower house. This included writing up and voting on a law, participating in workshops and in specialised visits organised by the institution, as well undertaking academic work placements in parliamentary administration.   

The agreement also establishes the creation of a follow-up committee in which a member of parliament and a representative of each university will participate. The committee will coordinate, supervise and monitor the implementation of the agreement, activities related to it and the various specific agreements that are considered to be necessary in order to further develop this framework agreement.

The agreement was signed by the rectors of the University of Barcelona, Joan Elias; the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Margarita Arboix; the University of Lleida, Roberto Fernández Díaz; the University of Vic, Josep-Eladi Baños; Pompeu Fabra University, Jaume Casals; Rovira i Virgili, María José Figueras; Ramon Llull University, Josep Maria Garrell; the Open University of Catalonia, Josep Anton Planell; BarcelonaTech, Francesc Torres; the Universitat Internacional de Catalunya, Xavier Gil, Abat Oliba CEU University, Rafael Rodríguez-Ponga, and Sílvia Llach, Vice-Rector of the University of Girona.