
Pedro Pérez-Cuesta “studying at Berkeley was a unique and enriching experience”.

One of our fourth year law students, Pedro Pérez-Cuesta, was one of the six UIC Barcelona students who participated in the University of California Berkeley Summer School.  

Pedro tells us his story:

“Last summer I had the opportunity to study for 6 weeks in the University of California Berkeley. I took two subjects "American Legal and Constitutional History" and "Law and Economics". In the former we studied the history of the United States through the constitution.  We learned how the interpretation of the American Magna Carta has shaped its history. The aim of the Law and Economics subject is to try to see how law and economics are connected, in terms of how when legislating the cost and economic impact both have to be taken into account.  

Studying there for 6 weeks was a unique and tremendously enriching experience in terms of various aspects.  It was a unique opportunity to meet people from countries around the world, and to find out more about their mentality and about the American university system and of course test you.  It is 6 tremendously intense weeks which allow you to grow both personally and academically.  Once you are there you also have time to travel and visit a lot of places.  Personally I was able to visit San Jose, Santa Cruz, San Francisco, Yosemite Park, etc.  

Without a doubt it is an experience I would recommend to everyone who has the opportunity to go”.

Last year UIC Barcelona signed an agreement with Berkeley to send students to their Summer School.  Read the news story (link).