
Pilar Lacorte participates in various forums on maternity, ideology and the family

Pilar Lacorte, Assistant Director for Teaching at the IESF (Institute for Advanced Family Studies), in April attended a Conference on Gender Theory:  Politics and Sexual Identity which took place at the Philanthropos Institute in Bourguillon (Switzerland).  At this forum, various experts pointed out that for centuries the relationship between politics and sexuality has focused on the need that all societies have for continuity.  Sexuality has an essential political dimension, so that it leads to a different type of society, depending on the way in which family is understood at a political level.  These issues were analysed during this session, as well as the impact of gender theory on political life in Western society today. 

Also, when attending a conference in Milan entitled Familias fuertes, comunidad fuerte (FORTI) [Strong Families, Strong Community], Lacorte was able to witness a consensus among the speakers that promoting family relationships is the best way to promote the common good.  A talk given by the Professor and Sociologist Pierpaolo Donati highlighted the family as the source of relational assets both in terms of itself and also the community.


Finally, Pilar Lacorte gave a closing speech for the academic year to the Maternity association entitled:  “El privilegio de ser mujer” [The Privilege of being a Woman].  One of the aims of this association is to help pregnant women through the implementation of various projects involving shelter, healthcare and nutritional care, support, training, labour insertion and the promotion of a good work-life balance.