
The piloting for the Gaudí teacher training programme has just launched

The piloting for the Gaudí teacher training programme started recently on our Sant Cugat campus.  The first session which included around twenty Dentistry professors and lecturers, was the start of a programme which will train new teachers comprehensively at UIC Barcelona, within the framework of the 2015-2022 Strategic Plan. 

The course is divided into three modules. The first semester covers the methodological aspect; the second semester the humanistic aspect; and the third module covers research and innovation. The programme will mainly be taught online but some of it will be taught on-site with sessions provided by experts and a day of practical workshops.  Additionally, the Gaudí programme plans for each teacher to be assigned an academic mentor who will guide and monitor them throughout the training period.

The name of the programme is inspired by the great Catalan architect, mainly as far as his technique called pique assiette or trencadís -in Catalan-is concerned.  Each of the training modules will simulate a trencadís through the fact that as the professors or lecturers progress through the course, they will provide a comprehensive overview that will allow them to transmit their knowledge as if it was their own artistic work.