
Pope Francis meets with the rector of UIC Barcelona

On 27 May, our rector was invited to a private Mass held by Pope Francis at Santa Marta. Following the ceremony, the rector had the chance to talk with the Holy Father. He told him about our academic activities, apostolic labours, solidarity work camps and other projects, such as the Experience Campus and the new Palliative Care Clinic, all of which is guided by the Christian humanism values we aspire to. 

The rector gave the Holy Father a replica of the Our Lady of Mount Carmel located in the gardens of the Barcelona Campus. This piece was designed by UIC Barcelona School of architecture, and the image was blessed by the then Opus Dei Prelate, Javier Echevarría. The replicas are produced at our facilities using 3D printing.  

The Holy Father appreciated the display of affection from our university, blessed our Virgin and said that he would pray for our intentions. He also asked our university community to pray for him.