
The president of Ficosa, Josep M. Pujol, patron at the graduation ceremony for the Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences

On 1 June, Josep M. Pujol, president of Ficosa and chairman of the University’s Board of Trustees, acted as patron at the graduation ceremony for bachelor’s and master’s degree students from the Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences. The event was also presided by Dr Toni Mora, vice-rector for Research, Innovation and Knowledge Transfer, Dr Marta Mas, dean of the Faculty, and Dr Jasmina Berbegal Mirabent, vice-dean. 

The Aula Magna at UIC Barcelona hosted the graduation ceremony for students from the Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration and Management and the University Master’s Degree in Business Administration and Production Systems. During his speech, Josep M. Pujol spoke about his career in business. 

After the welcoming remarks, the dean of the Faculty, Marta Mas, addressed the students. In her speech, Dr Mas commented that it has always been the Faculty’s aim to provide the students the truth. “During your time here we have tried to show you that love and the pursuit of truth are keys to becoming good professionals. Enthusiasm and a commitment to honesty are the best guarantee for becoming upright professionals and successfully fulfilling your mission in life. Considering the impact of our decisions on society, what today’s world needs most are committed, service-minded people, though it also often needs courage”.

The patron discussed his life story and why he founded Ficosa. He also spoke about the company’s development, and its nationwide and international expansion. In speaking to the students, Pujol was adamant that, “You have to foresee the future, make decisions and get them right. The future is coming, there's no two ways about it. If you don’t foresee what’s ahead, all your efforts will be in vain”. He also shared an idea, which he took from a film, that has inspired his work and which he uses as a company motto: “The difference between the impossible and possible is merely the measure of a person’s will”.

During his intervention he also stressed the importance of teaming up with other workers. “You have to love people, and not as a strategy, but to create a team. In a team, nothing is impossible”. His last word of advice for the students was, “Don’t do anything you don’t love doing. Don’t think about money. Focus on finding a job you love. Otherwise it isn’t worth it”.

This was followed by the award of diplomas and speeches by student representatives from both the degree and master’s degree programmes, who reflected on their years at UIC Barcelona.

The floor was then handed over to Dr Toni Mora, vice-rector for Research, Innovation and Knowledge Transfer, who thanked the patron for participating in the event and congratulated the new graduates. In keeping with the patron’s message, Dr Mora urged the students to find a job they think they would really enjoy and told them that the hardest thing is “to direct people and get everyone to pull in one direction. The team has to follow you”.

The event concluded with the traditional singing of "Gaudeamus Igitur”.