
Primary Education students visit the library at the Rosa Sensat Teachers’ Association

As part of the subject taught by lecturer Maria Pujol, Teaching Languages and Literature, students in the afternoon group of the Bachelor’s Degree in Primary Education (those enrolled in the double degree) were given a first-hand look at the Rosa Sensat children’s library.

During the tour, which will be repeated on 18 December with the morning group, Amalia Ramoneda, the librarian in charge of the children’s and young person’s section, introduced the students to the library, in general, and her section, in particular.

Ramoneda provided an overview of the various services the library offers teachers (book bags, bibliography seminars, reading clubs and other projects) and the library’s characteristics, which include the institution’s particular book classification system and the activities they organise for a variety of audiences. At times, the librarian supported her explanations with passages from specific books.

The training these students received during the visit is part of a community-service learning project -day centres affiliated with the Catalan “Esplai” Foundation, a non-profit association similar to the Scouts, which offer children activities outside school hours- that consists of telling stories to groups at risk of social exclusion.