
Professor Baró publishes a book on the aphorisms of Nieremberg

Xavier Baró Queralt, a professor in the UIC Barcelona Faculty of Humanities has published a book entitled Nieremberg: Aforismos y fragmentos sobre la naturaleza humana. Aforizma dhe fragmente mbi natyrën njerëzore, through the Albanian publisher EDFA. Baró is a co-author with Dr Anastasi Prodan, a professor at the University of Tirana (Albania).

The book offers a selection of the aphorisms of Juan Eusebio Nieremberg, a Castilian moralist of the 17th century. His work enjoyed a wide distribution in its time (amongst other languages it was translated into Latin, English, German, Italian, French and American languages such as Guarani). While the subject matter is largely religious, Nieremberg's contribution is also interesting in respect of his reflections on the human condition which remain entirely valid to this day.

The book, published in a bilingual Spanish/Albanian edition with a preface by Scott Hendrickson, a professor at the Loyola University (Chicago), was launched on 21 June in the “British Council” hall of the University of Tirana.

The launch ceremony was presided over by the co-author Anastasi Prodan and Fatmir Xhaferi, head of the publisher EDFA. Professor Baró made a virtual appearance.