
Professor Eduard Martí presents the book 'El braç militar de Catalunya (1620-1714)'

Faculty of Communication Sciences lecturer Eduard Martí recently presented his most recent book, El braç militar de Catalunya (1620-1714) [The Military Arm of Catalonia (1620-1714)], for which he was awarded the 30th Ferran Soldevila Prize. 

The event, organised by the Congress of Catalan Culture Foundation, took place on 26 January at 7 p.m. in the auditorium of the Catalan History Museum.

About the book


In 1715, José Patiño informed Philip V of Spain that the Military Arm of Catalonia "had become formidable and was meddling in state matters, regarding themselves as defenders of their own constitutions". This book explains how the Military Arm functioned and how its historical development gave rise to a institution which is key to understanding the War of Succession in Catalonia. A discussion on the Military Arm involves exploring the specific characteristics of the Catalan nobility in the 17th century, a nobility that, at that time, was faced with an identity crisis in Europe. In this context: What role did members of the military play? Who controlled the institution and how did the Catalan nobility react to the widespread crisis they were facing? Find out the answer to these questions and much more in the pages of this book.