
Professor José Nart takes part as a speaker in the SEPA / Oral B Seminar on peri-implantitis

Dr José Nart, Master's course director and head of the Periodontics Department within the Faculty of Dentistry at UIC Barcelona, took part as a speaker at the SEPA (Spanish Society of Periodontology and Osseointegration) / Oral B Seminar on peri-implantitis, in which he spoke about the current situation regarding peri-implant diseases in Spain, highlighting for consideration the statistic that nearly a third of patients experience problems with dental implants. The seminar, which took place on 19 November in the auditorium at Madrid's Reina Sofia Art Museum, attracted an audience of almost 400 professional dentists and hygienists.

The seminar focused on the current problem represented by peri-implantitis. Amongst other benefits, the event was able to provide key pointers on how dental surgeries can promote peri-implant health and how to engage with patients in order to raise their awareness of these diseases.