
Professor Moya, from the University of the Andes, gives a talk on the corporeal comprehension of the world.

Within the framework of the Seminars which the SARX Research Group from the Faculty of Humanities regularly organises to tackle different aspects of the Anthropology of Corporeality, Professor Patricia Moya Cañas, from the University of the Andes (Santiago de Chile), gave a talk entitled “En el principio es el movimiento”.

In her talk she underlined the possibility of talking based on an 'understanding of the body', in terms of a type of non-intellectual approach to reality, in other words, a comprehension of the pre-conceptual or pre-reflexive rapprochement carried out by the living body in processes of perception and movement, among other ideas.  This pre-comprehension can be found in the foundation of intellectual ideas of the highest level and forms the basis both of the personal subject, and of cultural production.

Taking advantage of the interdisciplinary nature of the seminar, after the presentation an interesting round of questions opened up, during which there was extensive discussion of the application of the concepts presented, among others, in fields such as philosophy of mind or healthy cities.

SARX is a group that undertakes research on the Anthropology of Corporeality.  The group’s main objective is to tackle the multiple dimensions of human corporeality based on humanistic, scientific and artistic perspectives.