
Professor Perelló writes a chapter of a book on social movements and communication

This chapter is included in the publication entitled: ‘From Tahrir Square to Ferguson: Social Networks as Facilitators of Social Movements’, and in this case focuses on the independence movement.

This professor from the Faculty of Communication Sciences published a scientific article in the book entitled ‘‘From Tahrir Square to Ferguson: Social Networks as Facilitators of Social Movements’, on socio-political movements and the role of social networks.  

Specifically, Perelló based his scientific article on the sociological, technological and communicative aspects of the independence movement in recent years. The chapter entitled, “The Catalan case: Building a new state from social outrage and new media” is included in the third part of the book, dedicated to Europe. The publication started to be distributed in January. 

The book also analyses other key social movements in modern history.  The impact of the Arab Spring and social networks are therefore analysed, as well as the Occupy Wall Street movement and protests in Ferguson (Missouri, United States) after young Michael Brown died when he was shot six times by police from the Missouri police department, aged 18.