
Professor Xavier Garí tackles Catholic Teaching for Peace at a symposium on Social Christian Thought

The Professor of the Faculty of Humanities, Xavier Garí, participated in the III Symposium on Social Christian Thought, organised by the University of Deusto, held in Bilbao in June. 

The Symposium focused on the following theme: “Comprehensive Human Development: A Contribution to Social Christian Thought at the Service of Global Justice, 50 years after the Populorum Progressio (1967-2017)” and worked on four main areas: the ethics of world economics; the mission of the Church and comprehensive human development in Christian Theology”. 

The paper presented by Professor Garí was entitled:  "El Magisterio Católico sobre la Paz: de la 'Populorum Progressio' de Pablo VI a la 'Laudati Sì' de Francisco I (1967-2017)". In his presentation, Garí covered the trajectory of teaching in the Catholic Church on Peace since 1920 in the encyclical entitled "Pacem, dei Munus Pulcherrimum" up until the recent "Laudati Si" by Pope Francis. In his own words, he said “if the best-kept secret of the Church is called its Social Doctrine, in a world that is in upheaval and experiencing violence, Catholic Teaching for Peace takes on exceptional significance within this Catholic Social Doctrine”.