
Professors Pedro García and Hugo Zarco analyse the offensive content of films as an option for maximising revenue

Pedro García del Barrio and Hugo Zarco, professors at the Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences, presented the results of their research at the XIX Applied Economics Meetings organised by the Free Association of Economics (ALdE) and the Revista de Economía Aplicada (REA) which were held this year in Seville.


The meeting brings together more than 200 academics and professionals every year and provides a channel for the dissemination and academic debate of research papers that explore applied economic analysis in depth. 

The paper presented by professors Pedro García del Barrio and Hugo Zarco was entitled Offensive contents in movies: an awkward choice to maximise box office revenues. In their article, the professors identified a number of factors that explain the financial results of films. Specifically, they compared the relationship between specific categories and contents of films with their box office results. Uniting these two parameters with the financial profit, the analysis revealed that certain offensive content can be an obstacle to achieving an economic return. 

At the same meeting, Pedro García del Barrio presented another paper with Francesc Pujol (University of Navarre): Broadcasting Revenues and Media Value in European Football. 

This paper measures the economic value of talent according to the interest of fans and the level of exposure in the media. Having done this, they presented indicators of the media value of teams and leagues based on personal media value. The main objective was to examine whether broadcasting contracts in European football are commensurate with the level of interest that attracts supporters clubs and the media.