
A project on refugees, first place in the Pre-University Competition

The names of the 10 winners of the Pre-University Competition were announced on 13 April. The contest is intended for 2nd-year upper secondary and Higher Level Vocational Training Course students interested in studying Education or Nursing at UIC Barcelona.

Lecturers from the University’s various faculties were charged with assessing the submitted works. The students selected as part of phase one were required to defend their projects verbally before a jury on 24 February.

During the final phase, the projects were assessed on the basis of criteria such as: gestures, clarity of the presentation and use of graphic resources. Of the 26 finalists, 10 were selected as winners of a grant covering the first year of university tuition.

In addition to the financial aid, the top three finishers were also awarded a material prize:

The first-place finisher, Daniel Pérez, from the school La Miranda: The Global Quality School, was presented with an HP laptop thanks to his work “Los refugiados, ¿sin refugio?” [Refugees Without a Refuge?].

The runner-up, Ariadna Vidiella, from the school Lestonnac-L'Ensenyança in Tarragona, with her work “Manual o elèctric, tu tries!” [Manual or Electric: Your Choice!], and third-place finisher, Oriol Blanco, from the school Xaloc, with “El Tercer Reich o la URSS stalinista, ¿qué estado fue más totalitario?” [The Third Reich or Stalinist Russia: Which Was the More Totalitarian State?] both received UE Roll 2 Ultimate Ears speakers.