
Property Registrar Diego Vigil Speaks about Preparing for Public-Sector Exams

Diego Vigil, a Property Registrar in Zaragoza, lectured students of the Faculty of Legal and Political Sciences on «Achieving Success at University: Hints on Preparing for Public-Sector Examinations».

In the course of the lecture, Vigil revealed the workings of the public-sector competitive examination system, the profile of a successful candidate and the differences in preparation from the preparation required to become a university lecturer. In the same context, Vigil maintained that today’s universities should value oral communication more highly than written texts, since, in his opinion, written communication "makes the relationship less empathic”.

The speaker lectured on the social bonds created among candidates for public-sector examinations as well as possible competitiveness. He said, “Candidates for public-sector examinations have a mutually cooperative relationship. There is less competitiveness between them”.

Diego Vigil is a property registrar in Zaragoza and a lecturer in Civil Law at Universidad Complutense de Madrid. He is the author of several books in the legal field, including Breves consejos para estudiar derecho con éxito (Brief Advice for the Successful Study of Law).