
The remake of La Casa de Papel (Money Heist) sweeps 8th Filmmaking Showcase

Once again this year, Audiovisual Communication students put on their best for the Filmmaking showcase. The event, promoted by the School of Communication Sciences, is an acknowledgement to the students who recreate famous scenes from well-known movies such as 100 meters; Crazy, Stupid, Love; Scream 4 and the series The Queen’s Gambit and Money Heist. For the third consecutive year, Miquel Cozzarin, a former student of the Faculty, presented the gala.

A classroom at UIC Barcelona was dressed up like a movie set last Thursday, 30 May: with freshly made popcorn, tinsel, murals of photos 'printed' on celluloid, even a red carpet. All to celebrate the end of the Filmmaking workshop. Students from every Audiovisual Communication course have collaborated in this workshop: to remake famous scenes from films or series. 

Everything contributed to the expectation generated among the audience to see the projects that the students have completed during the course. Everyone was able to enjoy the final products in comparison with the original scenes and some funny ‘making of’ clips that drew laughter from the audience. 

The gala, presented by the former student of the Faculty, Miguel Cozzarin, began with a video in which the students explained what the workshop has meant to them: learning, companionship, teamwork, experience... ‘One of the keys to Filmmaking - said Cozzarin - is that everyone tries out the different roles in a shoot, from direction to photography, sound or production.’ 

The attendees, who decided the winners through a popular vote, were very surprised with the performance in The Queen’s Gambit, the filming of Scream 4, the photography in Crazy, Stupid, Love, the great likeness in 100 meters and the professionalism of Money Heist, which was the most applauded project. 

Finally, lecturers Isadora García, Ana Aitana Fernández, Javier Sáez and Oscar Sueiro were in charge of presenting the awards. The award for best photography went to Alex Vergel, best ‘making of’ to Néstor Martínez, best direction to Noa Kottler and best production went to Mireia Molina and Marina Germà, all of them for their participation in the recreation of a scene from Money Heist, which also won the grand prize for best ‘remake’.