
Renowned Finnish psychologist Kirsti Lonka delivers a lecture at UIC Barcelona

Around one-hundred teachers and professors attended the lecture by acclaimed professor Kirsti Lonka from the University of Helsinki. Lonka discussed her most recent study, which was also the title of her presentation, "Teachers' approaches to knowledge: Are they related to their ideas of assessment?"

During the session, Professor Lonka spoke about her most recent study. The Finnish professor explained that, on the basis of her current research, she has been able to confirm that human beings perceive learning in a host of different ways and that these perceptions play a key role in their approach to academic tasks. "There is a growing gap between what goes on in school and what happens out of school. Globalisation," Lonka said, "is such an extensive process that it seems like universities are moving backwards."

The professor from the University of Helsinki also talked about the important roles of educators in this pedagogical task. In doing so, she made reference to the key role that teachers play in her country: "The level of education required of teachers in Finland is the highest in the world."

She also advocated for a change in the way science is explained, in efforts to draw the attention of young people, hold their interest and forge ahead with the process: "We take life and death and add mathematics, biology... That way we learn about life from many different angles. The Japanese and Koreans are doing the same thing. They want to develop their students' creativity."

The session was moderated by Faculty of Education lecturer Maria Cerrato, who worked with Lonka as part of her doctoral and post-doctoral studies in Finland. During the presentation, the dean of the Faculty of Education, Esther Jiménez, announced that the Faculty is preparing a seminar to address bullying in school and ways of fighting it. The event is scheduled to take place in June.