
Representatives from Semmelweis University in Budapest visit the facilities at the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences

The Sant Cugat Campus recently welcomed three representatives from Semmelweis University in Budapest, who came to visit the facilities and find out more about the methodology used in the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences. Members of the International Relations Service and departments of Medicine and Nursing were on hand to accompany them during the visit and give them a tour of the Comprehensive Centre for Advanced Simulation.

Lecturer János Gál, head of the areas of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care; Dr Csaba Hermann, vice-dean and head of the Intensive Care Area; and Borbála Kozma, head of the Simulation Area, expressed their interest in developing future academic partnerships.

Semmelweis University in Budapest is a university that specialises in Health Sciences. It is highly reputed as a research institution and has a marked international character, with all degrees taught in English, German and Hungarian.