
Results of the 2018 Teaching Staff Evaluation

The 10 th Teaching Evaluation Call for UIC Barcelona teaching staff ended last April.

The overall evaluation results, in percentage terms, were as follows: 20% “highly favourable”, 75% “favourable”, and 5% “favourable with conditions”.
This is the tenth year that the teaching evaluation has been performed. In this time, a total of 395 teaching staff members have been evaluated, including members from all the university’s knowledge areas and departments.
The years have highlighted the quality of the UIC Barcelona teaching staff’s teaching, their high level of engagement and commitment to their work in the classroom, and their capacity for self-criticism and pursuit of continuous improvement.
The participation of the university’s students in the satisfaction surveys is key to the evaluation process. So is the work of the Teaching Evaluation Committee members. In the ten years of calls, 58 evaluators have sat on these committees.