
Robots, the subject of the latest edition of Global Biz Club

Specialists from technology and artificial intelligence companies spoke about the future of robots yesterday as part of a round table organised by the Alumni group Global Biz Club

The speakers included Jordi Pelegrí, Business Development Manager at Universal Robots; Jorge Chial, Sales and Business Development Lead for the Connected Hub at Fira de Barcelona; Jordi Gil, founder and CSO at Pervasive Technologies; and Agustí Amorós, Director of Business Development at AIS Aplicaciones de Inteligencia Artificial.

After presenting the projects and providing the audience background information on each of the companies, Carlos Cosials, director of the Master's Degree in Big Data Science at UIC Barcelona, threw out a few questions about the future of robots and workers in companies. According to Agustín Amorós, this reality is yet to solidify. "Technology today is excellent and does some incredible things. But when we talk about medical technology, for instance, we find this technology often only works well with the sample with which it was built, not others".

Likewise, Jordi Pelegrí maintained that though robots can do lots of things, "machines are 'stupid'; humans are the smart ones". Pelegrí explained that robots are capable of substituting humans in automatic jobs, which they would certainly do much better than people. But when it comes to other tasks, people prevail. Machines are programmed, but somebody has to programme them.

During his intervention, Jorge Chial told the public that, "robots are not just in production". Along these lines, Jordi Gil explained how personalised marketing, Smartphone applications and the whole Big Data world are examples of robot substitution. Thanks to this technology, nowadays "you can personalise the content you give users based on what they are asking for: we've improved our ability to reach customers and, as a result, convert target users".

After the session the floor was opened up to questions, and attendees were given the chance to discuss this new technology and how it affects the economy directly with the speakers.

The session was organised by Global Biz Club, an Alumni club affiliated with the Faculty of Economic and Social Sciences, as part of the new Master's Degree Executive in Big Data Science