
ROCKWOOL renews for eighth year running its agreement with UIC Barcelona’s CEIM Chair

The agreement renews the cooperation between the company and the university to develop systems to improve the building sustainability

ROCKWOOL Peninsular S.A.U., a leading company in the production of sustainable insulation systems, has just renewed for the eighth year running its sponsorship of the Chair in Industrial Construction and the Environment (CEIM) at UIC Barcelona School of Architecture.  

The signing of the agreement took place on 7 November and ROCKWOOL was represented by Pedro Luis Fernández-Cano, director for Spain and Portugal of the company. The agreement was signed by the rector, Xavier Gil Mur, on behalf of UIC Barcelona. The signing was also attended by Josep Lluís i Ginovart, director of UIC Barcelona School of Architecture; Felipe Pich-Aguilera, director of the chair, and Teresa Batlle, representative of Pich Architects, another of the companies sponsoring the chair. 

The rector, Xavier Gil, underscored UIC Barcelona’s commitment to increasing its social impact by creating university-business chairs which guarantee knowledge transfer to society. “By renewing this cooperation agreement, we are reiterating our willingness to solidify ROCKWOOL’s needs in the area of research”, he indicated. Pedro Luis Fernández-Cano, pointed out the importance of this type of agreements in order to facilitate exchanges between companies and universities, which he described as being “an unresolved matter in Spain if we compare ourselves with other countries in Europe”.  

The CEIM Chair has been in existence since academic year 2010-2011 at UIC Barcelona. It is fully integrated in the School of Architecture under the direction of the architect Dr Felipe Pich-Aguilera and is sponsored by ROCKWOOL Peninsular S.A.U. and Pich-Architects. 

The chair aims to encourage cooperation in the scientific and technological sphere in order to develop new building systems which improve sustainability and respect the environment in restoration works and new buildings.