
Roger Cònsul, actor and stage director, leads a storytelling session in Education

Third-year students from the bachelor’s degrees in Pre-Primary and Primary Education were treated to a workshop with actor and stage director Roger Cònsul. Students from the subjects Learning Languages and Literacy and Teaching Languages and Literature, respectively, were taught storytelling techniques and shown some of the secrets of this art.

The workshop was divided into two parts. First, the actor showed the students how to plan a storytelling session with children. Based on the stories he told, Cònsul called on students to deduce the theory and ideas he wanted them to learn.

Afterwards, the participants had the chance to practise corporal expression techniques, which are useful when creating characters.

Roger Cònsul led two sessions: the first as part of the subject taught by lecturer Mariona Graell, Learning Languages and Literacy, and the second in the afternoon, in the subject taught by lecturer Maria Pujol, Teaching Languages and Literature.