
Sandra Vilaseca shares her experience as a human resources manager at Everis with Business Administration and Management (ADE) students

Sandra Vilaseca, Global People Innovation Manager at Everis, presented the challenges that the human resources department in the company faces to students taking a subject entitled Human Resource Management 18 November.  The session demonstrated the most innovative and creative side of professionals in this area. 

The speaker underlined the fact that “The Everis project means talent, this is the value we provide to clients”.  As Vilaseca explained, human resources work in an ongoing manner so that the corporate values of the company can be “experienced” by all employees.  These values are:

  • Demanding generosity: we share in order to do.
  • Responsible freedom: we do what we want.
  • Creative energy: we are passionate about what we do.
  • Consistency: we do what we say.
  • Transparency: we talk about what we do.

Along the same lines, she shared with students the three challenges that the human resource department in Everis is currently facing. 

At Everis they aim to attract talent (young talent, IT experts).  Vilaseca stated that they work “towards the development of the talent of all employees to achieve their maximum potential”.  Employees are provided with mentoring services within the company to help them to achieve professional development.

On the other hand, they aim to ensure that all employees enjoy themselves at work.  In order to do this they have a portal for business ideas, events to promote a technological vocation in childhood, and free time and leisure activities.

Finally she talked about the culture of continuous improvement.  At Everis they are highly concerned with listening to employee’s needs.  They give out a questionnaire about the work atmosphere every two years and apart from this they also have voluntary work groups and a millennial committee. The latter provides opinions about the decisions that Everis workers have to take.   

La ponentvadestacar: “El producte d’Everis és justament el talent, és el valorqueaportemals clients”. Com vaexplicar Vilaseca, en recursos humans treballen de manera constant perquè elsvalorscorporatius de l’empresasiguin “viscuts” per tots els empleats. Aquestsvalorssón:generositat exigent: compartim per fer; llibertatresponsable: fem el quevolem; energiacreativa: ens apassiona el que fem; coherència: fem el quediemi transparència: expliquem el que fem.

Tenint en compte això, va compartir amb els alumnes els tres reptes als quals s’enfronta actualment recursos humans d’Everis.

D’una banda, busquen atreure talent. Vilaseca va afirmar que treballen “per desenvolupar tot el talent dels empleats fins al seu màxim potencial”. Els ofereixen serveis de mentoring dins de l’empresa per ajudar-los a dibuixar el seu desenvolupament professional.

De l’altra, volen aconseguir que tots els empleats gaudeixin a la feina. Per això, hi ha un portal d’idees de negoci, esdeveniments per fomentar les vocacions tecnològiques des de petits, i per proposar activitats d’oci i de temps lliure.

I finalment, va parlar de la cultura de millora contínua. A Everis tenen molta preocupació per escoltar les necessitats dels empleats. Fan una enquesta de clima cada dos anys i a part hi ha grups de treball voluntaris i un comitè de Millenials que donen la seva opinió sobre les decisions que han de prendre els treballadors d’Everis.