
The Sant Cugat campus hosts the 3rd edition of the Vila-Saborit Foundation Nursing Research Awards

Dr Rosalia Santesmases and Eva Pérez were awarded Best Doctoral Thesis and Best Final Master’s Degree Project, respectively.

On Tuesday, 20 November, to mark the feast day of Saint Elizabeth of Hungary, patron saint of nurses, the auditorium on the Sant Cugat campus held the prize-giving ceremony for the 3rd edition of the Vila-Saborit Foundation Nursing Research Awards. The ceremony was attended by Delfí Vila, founder of the Vila-Saborit Foundation, and Albert Tort, president of the Barcelona Nursing Association. 

Dr Cristina Monforte, director of the Nursing Department at UIC Barcelona, welcomed the six finalists and the attendees.  She proceeded to thank the attendees and all the professionals, both from the academic and clinical fields, who were on the jury assessing the 42 candidates who presented their work.  

The ceremony continued with the presentation of three doctoral theses and three final master’s degree projects chosen as finalists. The projects were assessed by Dr Montse Edo, lecturer at EUI Gimbernat; Dr Anna Ramió, lecturer at Sant Joan de Déu teaching hospital in Barcelona; Anna Cruz, operations director and director of assistance and care programmes at the Hospital Universitari Sagrat Cor; and Daniel Regaña, assistant director of assistance and care programmes at the Hospital Universitari Sagrat Cor. 

At this year’s edition, the award for Best Doctoral Thesis went to Dr Rosalia Santesmases for her work “Health literacy and self-care in patients with heart failure treated in primary care”. In the category of Best Final Master’s Degree Project, the first prize was awarded to the study “Efficacy of Fixoloc compared to traditional adhesive dressings, in the prevention of surgical wound complications and skin lesions in patients undergoing breast cancer surgery” by Eva Pérez. In both cases, the jury highlighted the innovative nature of the projects as well as their applicability in clinical practice.