
The Sant Cugat Healthcare Campus receives its first Bachelor’s degree in Bioengineering students

Dr Lluís Giner, Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry, and Gabriel Fernández, the academic coordinator for this programme, were in charge of welcoming the first Bachelor’s degree in Bioengineering students, a pioneering programme in our country. 

The first Bachelor’s degree in Bioengineering that can be taken in Spain will provide a response to the growing demand for professionals specialised in the application of more advanced technologies and manufacturing techniques in combination with the use of biomaterials within the field of health sciences.  The new degree programme at UIC Barcelona also offers specialisations in prosthetics and orthotics for the oral cavity and the locomotor apparatus. 

Dr Giner particularly underlined the parity that exists in the group of future bioengineers who started classes this week on our Sant Cugat Healthcare Campus. There is the same number of male and female students, thus breaking away from the trend for engineering to be the type of degree mainly associated with the male sector of the population.